Amy Pike DVM of Veterinary Behavior Consultations in St. No one is any worse for wear.
Dogs have nervous tics also.
My puppy keeps licking my ear. Do note that if your dog starts licking the ears of other pets in the house that you should work to deter the behaviour. This is because the excess moisture can lead to ear infections in the pets who have their ears licked. However this doesnt apply to humans so if your pup only licks the ears of people it will be fine.
When dogs are puppies face licking and ear licking are completely natural. In fact licking is something that a puppy will often do to signal to its mother that it is feeding time. As the puppy grows up they simply carry this behavior along with them.
Ear Licking May Be A Sign Of Submissive Respect Some dogs may lick their pet parents ears because theyre being submissive. As mentioned earlier dogs might see their parents as the leader of their pack. In order to properly communicate their respect a dog will lick ears or elsewhere.
One explanation is that it is a sign of affection. Nuzzling licking and even nibbling on the ears of another pack member in this case you can be a means to show that your pup is comfortable with you. They can be trying to say that they accept you as part of their pack specifically as their pack leader and that they respect and love you.
Why Its an Unhealthy Habit. Amy Pike DVM of Veterinary Behavior Consultations in St. Louis Mo both dogs could potentially be at risk.
If the dog being licked has an ear infection and is being treated with topical medication it could cause the dog doing the licking to get an upset stomach due to ingestion of the medication says Dr. Pike although she adds that. Excessive Dog Scratching Ears from Ear Mites Ear mites are known to thrive in dog ears because they feed off on the wax.
They infest both the horizontal and vertical canals and are known to cause great irritation which makes the ears of the host pet very itchy. These highly contagious organisms are known to cause inflammation in the ears of pets. Both cats lick each others ears.
No one is any worse for wear. It is a bit of a pain to have a 10 lb. Siamese sitting on your shoulder licking your ears when you are trying to read.
My 17 month old dachshundchihuahua mix female keeps licking my 6 month old female maltipoos ears and eyes. I usually wouldnt mind this but I read from some individuals personal experiences that this action may cause ear infections and I would assume its bad for my maltipoos vision too if she continues to be licked in the eyes. Other potential causes include allergies moisture foreign bodies excessive cleaning wax buildup injuries in the ear canal and endocrine disorders like thyroid disease.
In most cases dogs licking each others ears is a healthy and natural behavior that should not ring any alarms. Sometimes however licking can indicate an underlying medical issue be it with the dog being licked or the one doing the licking. Bacterial or fungal infections like a yeast infection can cause a dog to scratch at her own ears.
Your Dog is Licking Ears Because Dogs Can Be Gross Sometimes however ear licking goes back to another innate dog behavior. Being a little bit disgusting sometimes. Some dogs develop a penchant for the taste of ear wax.
Who needs a peanut butter filled Kong when your kitty friend has an ear canal full of wax. Mites and lice may also reside in the ears leading to excessive scratching of the ears and licking of the paws in an attempt to relieve the itch. Boredom and behavioral issues can cause a number of different forms of excessive licking.
Affection licking the ears can be a sign of love and devotion because the dog is nuzzling and snuggling and in the process licking the ears to show it is comfortable with the baby. Acceptance the dog might be showing its acceptance of the newest family member. The constant licking keeps the ear canal moist which makes it an easy breeding ground for bacteria.
Its important to keep an eye on your dogs ear if another dog is obsessively licking it. If your dog usually doesnt lick your other dogs ear as much as they are right now you may want to schedule a visit to the vet to see if your furry friend has an ear infection. Its Soothing For The Licking Dog.
We all have our own unique nervous tics. Dogs have nervous tics also. One of the most common ways dogs soothe themselves is by.
Remember dogs naturally live in pack societies that are centered around the power of alpha dogs. Your wee puppy is aware of the dominance of the other dog who usually is older. If your puppy keeps licking your other dogs face its probably because he knows that your other pet has seniority and therefore is the top dog in your home.
Continual ear licking can be a sign of a developing compulsive behavior disorder. If you are worried about the extent of your dogs ear licking and feel it is necessary to curb or put a stop to your dogs over-exuberant ear bashing it may be worthwhile to consult your pets veterinary professional. My Dog Keeps licking his paws scratching his ears scratching his body and shaking his headNow - I just spotted Sarahs question WHICH brought to thesurfac.
Another reason why your dog is scratching his ears plus shaking his head can be related to parasitical infection. Even though fleas and ticks play a huge role as external parasites you still need to watch out for microscopic mites when your dog is going through an ear infection.